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Artist:Nakatani Hiromine (b.1948)
Description: A small black lacquered box-shaped kōgō with kurogaki wood, decorated with a bell cricket in inlaid-mother-of pearl and autumn grasses (akikusa) and a zig-zagging fence. ‘Kurogaki’ (literally: black persimmon) is a rare phenomenon that occurs in Japanese persimmon trees. The wood of persimmon trees when lumbered, have a milky-white to pale yellow colour. In rare cases (it is said one out of 10.000 trees) the persimmon tree has a black ink-like center. This is what makes ‘kurogaki’ a valued and expensive material. Interior has an oval shaped incision of gold lacquer. With original signed box, inscription: autumn grasses, maki-e (gold lacquer), kurogaki, percentage, kōgō. *Kaga-prefecture maki-e artisan, specializing in Yamanaka-nuri (lacquer ware where the natural beauty of the wood is persevered and highlighted).
Signed:on original box: Hiromine with artist’s seal
Size:2.9 (h) x 6.5 x 4.3 cm
Price:Euro 550 SOLD